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Simple Tricks to Extend Your Laptop Battery Life

May 16, 2024

Tips for optimizing laptop battery health.

Imagine the challenges of conducting business 30 years ago, before the advent of the reliable laptop. The thought alone is daunting. Today, however, the modern professional faces a different kind of dread: an hour’s worth of work and only 30 minutes left on the laptop battery.

No one wants to be stuck in the precarious position of a low battery during a critical meeting or presentation. Fortunately, with a bit of expertise, you can extend your laptop battery’s lifespan and ensure its optimal performance for years to come.

A fundamental understanding of your battery is crucial. Most contemporary laptops utilize lithium-ion batteries, which are subject to a finite number of charge cycles. A single charge cycle constitutes a complete discharge from 0% to 100%, and each cycle incrementally reduces the battery’s capacity.

The cardinal rule? Avoid full discharges whenever feasible. In other words, do not allow the battery to deplete entirely.

To begin, delve into your laptop’s power settings and tailor your battery preferences. Hibernation mode is particularly beneficial, as it activates before your battery reaches critically low levels. Additionally, enabling Battery Saver mode can be a lifesaver, conserving power when your battery is nearly exhausted.

Next, consider decluttering your system. Close unnecessary background applications to eliminate superfluous power consumption. Disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when they are not in use, and reduce screen brightness to save energy.

Regarding charging practices, it is a misconception that keeping your laptop plugged in will damage the battery. Modern devices are engineered with intelligent systems to prevent overcharging. However, avoid exposing your battery to extreme temperatures and strive to keep the charge above 20% whenever possible.

When storing your laptop for extended periods, ensure it is charged to approximately 50%. For further assurance, utilize battery management applications that provide real-time insights into your battery’s health.

Also, consistently update your software. New patches and upgrades can enhance performance and reduce energy consumption, effectively rejuvenating your battery.

At our company, we specialize in helping businesses maximize the longevity and efficiency of their devices. If you seek to achieve the same, do not hesitate to reach out.