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Harnessing Cisco Meraki in Co-Managed IT Services

May 3, 2024
A man sits at a computer with ‘Information Technology’ displayed on the screen.

Co-managed IT services offer businesses a collaborative approach to IT management, combining in-house expertise with the support of third-party service providers. By integrating Cisco Meraki into these IT environments, businesses can enhance network visibility, improve security, and streamline operations.

Keep reading to learn more about using Cisco Meraki in co-managed IT services.

Understanding Co-Managed IT Services

Co-managed IT services involve a strategic collaboration between an organization’s internal IT team and a third-party provider. This model offers the best of both worlds: internal teams retain control over critical IT functions while external service providers bring expertise and resources. Here are a few benefits of using co-managed IT services:

Access to Specialized Support

Service providers bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in various technologies, best practices, and industry standards. This expertise enhances the capabilities of the internal IT team. Co-managed IT services also enable organizations to stay current with the latest technologies and industry trends. External providers can help identify and integrate new solutions, keeping the business competitive and efficient.


Co-managed IT services can easily adapt to the changing needs of a business. They can help you manage organizational growth, seasonal fluctuations, or changing market demands. By outsourcing routine tasks to an external provider, internal IT staff can also focus on strategic projects and core business objectives that drive growth and innovation.

Continuous Support and Monitoring

External providers offer round-the-clock support, promptly addressing issues. This proactive approach reduces downtime and enhances overall IT performance. Co-managed IT services often benefit from advanced security measures and compliance support. External providers can help implement up-to-date security protocols and ensure compliance with industry regulations.

Overview of Cisco Meraki

Cisco Meraki is a comprehensive cloud-managed IT platform renowned for its user-friendly interface and robust suite of products. This includes wireless access points, switches, security appliances, and cameras. The platform’s centralized management capabilities allow IT administrators to oversee and control the entire network through a single, web-based dashboard. This seamless approach simplifies network management, enhances visibility, and provides real-time monitoring and analytics, enabling organizations to optimize their IT operations. The features and capabilities of Cisco Meraki solutions include:

Cloud-Based Management

Cisco Meraki’s cloud-based management platform allows IT administrators to remotely access and manage all network devices through a centralized web-based dashboard. This feature provides greater flexibility, as administrators can make configuration changes, monitor network performance, and troubleshoot issues from anywhere at any time. The cloud management platform also ensures real-time data and seamless updates across the network.

Automatic Updates

Cisco Meraki devices benefit from automatic updates, receiving regular firmware and software patches directly from the cloud. This feature ensures that devices are always running the latest security measures and features, minimizing vulnerabilities and reducing the need for manual intervention. Automatic updates help maintain a secure and efficient network infrastructure.

Scalability: Cisco Meraki solutions offer exceptional scalability, enabling businesses to add or remove devices as their needs change. This flexibility is especially beneficial for growing organizations requiring rapid network infrastructure adjustments.

Comprehensive Security Features

Cisco Meraki provides advanced security measures such as threat detection, content filtering, and robust firewalls to protect the network from cyber threats. The platform also offers VPN options for secure remote access and customizable security settings tailored to the organization’s requirements. These features help businesses maintain a safe and compliant IT environment. Cisco Meraki also offers detailed analytics and reporting tools that provide insights into network performance, user behavior, and potential issues. These data-driven insights allow IT teams to make informed decisions and optimize network operations.

A man sits at a computer with ‘Information Technology’ displayed on the screen.

Using Cisco Meraki in Co-Managed IT Services

Integrating Cisco Meraki into co-managed IT services provides businesses with a seamless and efficient way to optimize their IT infrastructure and network management. The platform’s cloud-based management and centralized dashboard enable internal and external IT teams to work collaboratively, streamlining operations and improving overall network performance. The scalability and flexibility of Cisco Meraki solutions ensure smooth adaptation to changing business needs, allowing organizations to grow and evolve without disruption. Here’s how to use Cisco Meraki in co-managed IT services.

  • Collaborative Network Management: Both internal and external IT teams can use Cisco Meraki’s centralized cloud-based dashboard to manage the network collectively. The platform enables seamless sharing of network insights, real-time monitoring, and troubleshooting between the two parties, ensuring a cohesive and efficient approach to network management.
  • Role-Based Access Controls: Use Cisco Meraki’s role-based access control features to define clear roles and permissions for internal and external IT team members. This helps maintain a secure environment while allowing each team to focus on their respective areas of expertise, facilitating smooth collaboration.
  • Streamlined Device and Application Management: Cisco Meraki’s comprehensive device and application management capabilities enable both teams to monitor and control devices and applications throughout the network. This includes managing configurations, monitoring usage, and applying security policies consistently across the network.
  • Customizable Reporting and Analytics: Cisco Meraki’s advanced reporting and analytics tools enable users to create customized reports to share with internal and external teams. These reports provide valuable insights into network performance, security status, and usage trends, supporting data-driven decisions and strategic planning.
  • Security Policy Management: Establish joint security policies and access controls using Cisco Meraki’s platform to protect the network and data. Both teams can collaborate to define and enforce consistent security measures across the network, ensuring a secure and compliant environment.
  • Coordinated Software and Firmware Updates: Coordinating with external IT providers ensures that Cisco Meraki devices receive regular software and firmware updates. This collaboration helps maintain up-to-date security patches and features, improving network performance and security.
  • Regular Review and Optimization: Schedule regular reviews of network performance and security measures using Cisco Meraki’s analytics and monitoring tools. Internal and external teams can collaborate to identify areas for improvement and optimize network configurations based on real-time data and trends.